السبت، 14 ديسمبر 2013

Al-Waqaee International - Issue 158 - December 2013

Al-Waqaee International Magazine, Issue no. 158 (December 2013, 15th year), published by "Al-Waqae'e Institution for Media Studies and Publish".
This issue contains several important and hot topics and studies where the main topic is "Syria... Massacres at the dawn of division", and articles on the "Tension between Indonesia and Australia", "Current events in Thailand" and "Iran: Assad or Nuclear?". In addition to studies about the "Israeli report on the Syrian army and Hezbollah", "Typhoon Haiyan" and "1000 days of massacres in Syria".
This issue also contains a special report on Syrian relief agencies working in Malaysia. The opening article by Chief Editor Dr. Rasheed bin Mohammad Altokhi addressed how the situation in Arab countries is on the brink of the abyss.
Al-Waqaee Int. is licensed in France and printed in Singapore. First issue was published in 1999, and it's available online since June 2013 at: http://issuu.com/alwaqaee

الأربعاء، 9 أكتوبر 2013

Al-Waqae'e Int. at APEC CEO Summit 2013 in Bali.

Al-Waqae'e Int. at APEC CEO Summit 2013 in Bali, Indonesia.
In order to acquaint the delegations participating in the summit with the Syrian Revolution; Al-Waqae'e Institution participated and distributed hundreds of copies of latest issues of Al-Waqae'e magazine for free, in addition to free gifts, flags & special

الثلاثاء، 8 أكتوبر 2013

Al-Waqaee International - Issue 156 - October 2013

Al-Waqaee International Magazine, Issue no. 156 (October 2013, 15th year), published by "Al-Waqae'e Institution for Media Studies and Publish". This issue contains several important and hot topics and studies where the main topic is "Assad... the butcher of Syria or its surgeon?", and articles on the "Syrian National Coalition and the challenges of the next stage", and "Douma... the story of a stricken city". This issue also contains a study on the anniversary of the national day of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The opening article by Chief Editor Dr. Rasheed bin Mohammad Altokhi addressed the election of Mr. Ahmad Tu'mah as Prime Minister of the interim government. Al-Waqaee Int. is licensed in France and printed in Singapore. First issue was published in 1999, and it's available online since June 2013 at http://issuu.com/alwaqaee

السبت، 31 أغسطس 2013

Al-Waqaee International Magazine

Al-Waqaee International Magazine, Issue no. 154 (August 2013, 15th year), published by "Al-Waqae'e Institution for Media Studies and Publish". This issue contains several important and hot topics and studies where the main topic is about Turkey and the danger coming from the south, and another article on the Syrian National Coalition and the role required of it in light of the challenges facing the Syrian opposition in general. This issue also contains a study on Jordan's attitude toward the Syrian case and their support for their cause since its start, as well as an article on the formation and the brief history of Sultanate of Brunei. Al-Waqae'e Int. is now published in Arabic and English in a new look and is distributed in more countries including South East Asia, Australia and South China.
Al-Waqaee International Magazine

الجمعة، 4 يناير 2013

Dr. Rasheed bin Mohammad Altokhi has met Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Sabuni in kuala lumpur - Malaysia

Dr Rasheed Altokhi withSheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Sabuni 

Dr. Rasheed bin Mohammad Altokhi has met Sheikh Muhammad Ali Al-Sabuni yesterday where they discussed the latest developments, and Dr. Rasheed got reassured about Al-Sabuni’s health and conditions. Al-Waqaee has learned that another visit to Indonesia was arranged for Sheikh Al-Sabuni to meet with Indonesian President "Susilo bambang yudoyono" on Monday morning, where they will discuss in their talk the developments on Islamic "Da’wa” as well as the issues in Syria. It is noteworthy that Sheikh Al-Sabuni has visited Indonesia a few days ago where he gave a number of lectures and met many of Scholars and citizens